I am production sound mixer based in Paris.
I started my career on the famous music stages of the Paris Jazz Festival and the exciting Marciac Festival in the summer of 2001. After a few years working in live music and on television sets as a wireless system engineer, I decided, in 2009, to specialize in film sound recording.
I have since participated in numerous projects : movies, documentaries, corporate films, commercials...
Whatever the project, whatever the subject, I love working as a team and everyday is an adventure.
I'm very passionate about my job and I am dedicated to always finding the best solutions in order to ensure the utmost sound quality. I put great care in giving sound its rightful place, despite the constraints that may sometimes arise.
I have my own sound recording kit (see Equiment page for more details), that I can very well rent should you need a turnkey service.
I love working on international projects, especially those requiring to speak Spanish or English, as I can work in both languages, as well as in French of course.
I am very much looking forward to working with you !
About me
Download my resume here :
Mobile: +33. (0)
Email: emilio.salemi@gmail.com
© Solène Ballesta
E x p e r i e n c e
W o r k
F i l m
Un monde Sans Rap, short film by Anis Rhali
Cités, serie of 12 x 1 min by Abd Al Malik
Amours Synthétiques, short film by Sarah Heitz de Chabaneix
Spooning, short film by Sarah Heitz de Chabaneix
Match, short film by Martin Geisler
Les trompes de ma mère, short film by Sarah Heitz de Chabaneix
Le petit Monstre, short film by Anaïs Vachez
Blessure, short film by Léo Bigiaoui (Best sound award at the Nikon Film Festival 2018)
Déjà Vu, short film by Ludoc
La Fille Accordéon, short film by Vachez
Camille chez le médecin, short film by Jérome Niel
Top Chirurgie, short film by Guillaume Crémonèse
MST - (Canal Bis) - short film by Felix Guimard
P r o d u c t i o n s
Canal+, Quad, Ecrans du Monde, Iconoclast, Tulipes & Cie, Scope, Havas Paris, Elephant & Cie, Tabo Tabo Films, Effervescence, Frenzy Paris, Webedia, TSVP, Pwp, Microfilms, Studio Bagel ...
D o c u m e n t a r i e s & T v
Tour de France : Unchained, a Netflix documentary
L'épopée Joyeuses, documentary by Paul Frère for Canal+
Livret de répérage précoces des TND, documentary by Fabienne Le Loher
Le Jardin de Paul Haim, documentary by Brand&News
Agnès Jaoui : Le Goût de l'opéra, documentary by Hélène Maucourant for France 5 Tv
L'énigme Chaland, documentary by Avril Tambouret
Business Moine, du pain béni pour les abbayes, documentary by Céline Desteve for France 5 and TV5 Monde Tv
Ma vie à 2 balles, documentary by Sophie Branstrom
Sur les routes mythiques de France, Tv programme by Laurent Frappa
La Gaule d'Antoine, Tv programme by Peter Stuart pour canal+
Juppé, chronique d'un favoris dans la primaire, documentary by Antoine Laura for Public Senat Tv
Hélène et les animaux, Tv programme by Brice Martinelli
FutureMag : demain, plus besoin d'être polyglotte ?, documentary by Sarah Lainé for France 5 Tv
Auschwitz, un cours d'histoire, documentary by Aymeric Colletta for PWP
C o m m e r c i a l s
Aramis Auto, directed by Jérôme Langlade
Oscaro, directed by Gilles Guerraz
Certideal, directed by Louis Farge
QuickBooks, directed by Maxime Leturcq
Campanil, directed by Martin Geisler
The World's most precious stone, directed by Nina Aaldering
EasyCash, directed by Adrien Armanet
Opening Woman Fifa 2019, directed by Guillaume Cosson
Pizza Hut Equity, directed by Léo Bigiaoui
Virgin Radio, directed by Sacha Vučinić
MACSF, directed by Guillaume Cosson